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BanRot Banner Rotation CGI

The tacky parody banners above are sample BanRot output.
(Click "Refresh" or "Reload" in your browser to see the ad banners change.

BanRot is a basic banner rotation program that randomly presents one or two banner ads selected from a directory in your website. A simple configuration file associates URLs with the banners. You can even include affiliate codes in the URL. The program keeps a tally of the number of impressions that have been displayed for each banner.

The BanRot example above uses a Server Side Include (SSI) to embed the banners in this webpage. If you have a burning desire to sling pop-up windows at your victim, er, website visitor, you can do that, too.

Click either of the BanRot banners above to spawn an evil pop-up window.

Sure, it ain't fancy, but you can't beat the price!


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©2003, Joe Cliburn